Quick breakfast and some extremely thick coffee complements of Jeff. I still can't get the smell out of my mug!
Great early morning riding on the Sovereign trail
Sunrise, Cold!
Lunch, cold McDonalds cheeseburgers and a Nutella taco after 7-mile trail
Should we do that extra 2 1/2 hour loop on metal masher? Yep!
Turned out great except when Jeff Hemperley ripped his tire on a wicked rock drop and face planted on the next ledge. Luckily he was okay! Since singlespeed endurance racers don't have much of a brain anyway we were not concerned about his head.
The "Widow maker", unfortunately nobody got a picture of me huckin it.
Kiv and myself when the weather finally warmed up to 50. Kiviok gets credit for almost all the pictures.
Great day!